Monday, June 1, 2015

Michael Dadoun – The Role Model for All Aspiring CEOs

A multi-talented personality who has played a timely role in lifting Canada’s e-image. A dependable friend of online merchants who use the payment solutions platform developed by Upclick. A single website for multiple solutions covering 50 payments methods in 20 different currencies with country specific billing. A dynamic, dedicated person who has driven his organization to its pinnacle of success. A man with a knack to sense business opportunities. What makes Michael Dadoun click?

Quick thinking, swift action

He is a visionary. He sees the larger picture and avoids micro management, which is delegated to the subordinates. He has a keen market sense and hands on the market pulse. So he focuses on the larger canvas, the emerging competition. Work on strategy with alternate plans in place. Without strategy they will be ambushed in the game of marketing warfare and the organization will be doomed. 

In this fast moving world, business decisions are to be taken quickly. There has to be elasticity in the management style so as to adept to the fast changing situation. Globalization has brought in intense competition and the safest shield is to take fast decisions. This invites risk – business risk. Michael Dadoun was never averse to coming out of comfort zone and taking calculated risks.
Gain you win, Lose you win

His people management skills are the subject of discussion in management school portals. He kept full faith in his staff and kept them motivated. He gave them credit for all achievements. He always took upon himself the onus of failures. He delegated work skillfully to his motivated employees who took it upon themselves to prove their mettle. All worked for the common goal of Upclick. This is how Michael Dadoun created a team and team work can do wonders to any organization. 


  1. OMG! If I spend my life time understudying this man, I will be incomplete. Hard core businessman with tremendous leadership qualities. A complete, complete CEO.

  2. After thinking hard, I can’t decide if he is God sent ready-made CEO or self-made. Achieving so much at a young age.
